簡易吊帶 DIY
圖.文:陳家麟(Steven Chen)
資料收集:宗明 (Ming Cheng)

By 馬克教練 (Mark)
為了喚起各位的記憶, 特別也製作了一個圖片, 供各位參考.
但也特別說明, 簡易吊帶主要目的是應急, 或緊急狀況使用, 過去會使用簡易吊帶是因為六零.七零年代物資缺乏所致, 今天已到九零年代, 該用合格吊帶還是要買, 不要反客為主.
轉貼自微岩網站所提供的簡易吊帶, 個人看法是主要為任務型吊帶, 也就是說是馬上要用的吊帶, 因為它的結構不適合走來走去, 有鬆散拖沙的疑慮, 因此應該是由教練親自幫忙穿著, 套上鉤環然後立即吊掛上攀或垂降.
這種吊帶如果可能, 最好搭配胸帶使用, 會更加理想.
我們所教學的吊帶, 如下所述:
吊帶名稱: 威廉式簡易吊帶(名字是我取的, 因為形狀及原理類似BlackDiamond威廉式吊帶)
吊帶出處: 六零年代山訓教官指定教學使用.(作者註: 六零年代的教官教學法不一定等同九零年代山訓教官教學法)
繩索材質: 6MM圓繩或扁帶.
繩索長度: 依身材比例, 大致為160公分要使用320公分長度.以此類推.
吊帶特性: 可做為山訓活動使用.

圖1.將繩繞於腰後位置, 然後雙手將繩做出左右相等長度.
圖2.先在腹部位置打出一個平結, 鬆緊度以繩索服貼腰部為主.
圖3.將雙繩自然垂至跨下, 然後彎腰用雙手由臀部後面, 分別將左右繩順邊提起.
圖4.將雙繩分別由內而外由下而上, 繞過腰間主繩.
圖5.同樣動作, 再繞一次腰間主繩, 並將左右雙繩服貼拉緊於臀部.
圖6.將繩頭再打一個平結, 鬆緊度以較緊較好.
圖8.最後將大D鉤環,由內而外繞過兩個平結, 再繞半圈, 使成為大D開口成上位置(作者註: 為方便套豬鼻子或八字環及套繩使用), 即大功告成.
附註: 使用本威廉式簡易座帶, 指導者或教練在操作學員垂降或上攀時, 要隨時檢視學員的座帶
1.兩個平結是否鬆脫? 2.是否有打半扣? 及3.臀帶是否服貼? 4.尺寸是否合適?
By 宗明 (Ming Cheng)
二天考驗,確實也堪用. 不過這不能算是簡易座帶(吊帶).
By 宗明 (Ming Cheng)參考美軍的簡易座帶的打法教學: (使用約4米長繩索)
The rappel seat is an improvised seat rappel harness made of rope. It usually requires a sling rope 14 feet or longer.
A. Tying the Knot.
STEP 1. Find the middle of the sling rope and make a bight.
STEP 2. Decide which hand will be used as the brake hand and place the bight on the opposite hip.
STEP 3. Reach around behind and grab a single strand of rope. Bring it around the waist to the front and tie two overhands on the other strand of rope, thus creating a loop around the waist.
STEP 4. Pass the two ends between the legs, ensuring they do not cross.
STEP 5. Pass the two ends up under the loop around the waist, bisecting the pocket flaps on the trousers. Pull up on the ropes, tightening the seat.
STEP 6. From rear to front, pass the two ends through the leg loops creating a half hitch on both hips.
STEP 7. Bring the longer of the two ends across the front to the nonbrake hand hip and secure the two ends with a square knot safetied with overhand knots. Tuck any excess rope in the pocket below the square knot.

B. Check Points.
(1) There are two overhand knots in the front.
(2) The ropes are not crossed between the legs.
(3) A half hitch is formed on each hip.
(4) Seat is secured with a square knot with overhand safeties on the non-brake hand side.
(5) There is a minimum 4-inch pigtail after the overhand safeties are tied.
1. Overhand Knot - 單結

文中的 two overhand knots 應該是打單結時, 一繩在另一繩上多繞一圈, 不是打兩次單結而成為死結. 此結稱為 Double Overhand Knot, 如下圖:

2. Half Hitch - 半結

3. Square Knot - 平結